Dear Amber Lee

I have given up trying to influence others on their music choices. I am now going to attempt to influence my future self.

Dear Amber Lee _______________________*,
   I urge you to look deep in your music vault and dig up these “new millennium” songs. You might remember such classic alp songs as Right Where it Belongs by Nine Inch Nails or Headlock by Imogen Heap that you played over and over around the time your young self wrote this message (yes way back in 2005). Sometime after this you took the song off “single repeat” and it fell by the wayside. I’ve listed a dozen songs that made 2005 quite enjoyable (at least in the car when you were rocking out childless). Perhaps at 35 you are busy and singing Raffi songs, but I beg you to get “cool sick ill” one more time and give these a spin in your green mini iPod. You still have that don’t you? I saved up for it forever!

Sincerely yours,
Amber Lee Pence

Mad World by Tears for Fears
Dice by Finley Quaye
Headlock by Imogen Heap
Better Days by Goo Goo Dolls
Hung Up by Madonna (whom I’m assume you still worship)
Something Pretty by Patrick Park
Right Where it Belongs by Nine Inch Nails
Summer Skin by Death Cab for Cutie
This is Your Life by Switchfoot
Opportunities by Pet Shop Boys
-Incomplete by Backstreet Boys
Listen to Your Heart by D.H.T.

(don’t forget for these links to work you need iTunes, it’s free here).

*Last name to be determined at a later date.

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