Autographed by God

Okay got some great music today. Damn those iTunes emails, “other people who bought these songs also bought:” well of course I have to check out what cool people who bought what I bought got. Phew, too many boughts and gots in those sentences, anyway. I checked it out and purchased Better Days by Goo Goo Dolls for my self (and also gifted it to Sciarrino because it’s totally the kind of song we would listed to over and over together). It’s very good, uplifting, love it. Then I had to get the whole freaking Plans album by Death Cab for Cutie. I would tell you how good it is, but I think this review by dabigc sums it up the best: “It’s too bad I can’t push a button that gives this album 20 gold stars each autographed by God.” I wish I could be that witty. Oh I just found another good one by anonymous: “If you can listen to “I will Follow You Into the Dark” and sincerely say that this song, this album, and this band aren’t brilliant and amazing, then you have no soul.”  So ya, these suggestions are going to make me go broke. I’ll offer up the gift of an iTunes allowance again to anyone who wants to give me one.

-Jamie, I know isn’t my room wonky?  My house was built by my dad and I really wanted an east facing room. The only way to squeeze that in was between the round stair case (hence the round wall), the eves, and my mom’s walk in closet. My room is pretty tiny, but I have my very own bathroom, which in my opinion is the BEST THING EVER! Oh, and I love the little boxes in the wall next to my bed so I don’t have to waste space with a nightstand. Here this will give you a better understanding of my room:


Hmmm mom and Bill looking at this I’m think I’m going to live here for a few more years. 🙂 Obviously I don’t scrapbook here. I might show that later. But I don’t think it’s as aesthetically pleasing. K, now go buy the Death Cab For Cutie album.

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  1. Whoa Nelly – ya know that candle holder to the right of you sink? I have the SAME ONE! But I’ve never used it because I only had one and really wanted a pair. I can’t rememver if I already got rid of it, but if I can find it in one of the boxes I have yet to unpack, I’m going to send it to you! 🙂 Hee hee… that is too funny. I love that you shared your room and bath with us – what a fun space! I’ve been wanting to post some pics of my fav things in our house – I supposed I need to clean house first. HA!

  2. I love that you showed me more of your freaking awesome room! I love everything about your room, it might be one of the coolest rooms I’ve ever seen! How lucky that your parents hooked you up so awesomely! I would never move out! 🙂

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