Pity Me.

I was pretty much laughing way to hard on all the others. Is this shirt sick or what?  So I’ll give away my source. Jinx has awesome t-shirts for hackers and gamers. That’s where I got the “geek” t-shirt. I have been waiting to show this until I actually had people commenting so it would be funny instead of just sad. Hehehe. Some more shots:

That’s me trying not to crack up. I was even laughing like crazy in the shower just thinking about this. The fuzzyness around my eye? That would be a dirty lens, bad Amber.

Doesn’t the sky look ominous?

*just had genius idea to make the top one my avatar. It will prolly take me five hours but I’m gonna try it.

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  1. Dude. Sa-weet shirt! Don’t you have the dirty lense fuzziness thing? I posted a LO a while back that had a fuzzy spot right in the middle of it! Dang it! Great shirt though! I <3 it!

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