Thank you isn’t enough…

Okay so I finally have time to give my backtakcer secret pal the thank you she deserves. I was in this swap where you send fabric to someone, then someone sends you fabric. Then with the fabric you get you make a bag. I posted the one I made here. It doesn’t even hold a stick to the one I got though. Sara over at knitwerk made it for me and I love, love, love it. She has more photos on the blog so check it out, my cameras batteries kinda got fizzled out.

This is the coolest bag, it’s made of an old sweater, so cool, and did I say it was cool? And do I love the alp? yes I do!!!

This is the inside of the bag. I love the blanket stitching around the edges. The yarn I got is super cool too.

Then I got this cute cute reversible bag with awesome stripes. In case you didn’t know, I love stripes, yes I do. And I love green even more.

I got this cool pouch with all kinds of goodies including some homemade knitting markers. This is very handy since I make hats and you need those things. I’m not really sure what all the tools are for, but I am going to take a cable knitting class this winter and hopefully figure it out.

Then I got this cool roll, it opens up and has little slots for all my knitting needles. The lining is really pretty too. God I love these stripes.

And also she got me this book. Okay I love love love Nick Bantock. Now, I don’t know if this was on my wishlist on amazon or if Sara is a crazy mind reader. But this book rocks. Now I got totally inspired and even managed to scrapbook last night. Check it out, I posted this on 2peas last night.
Phew, creativeness rocks.

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  1. Ha ha… you *did* have that book on your Amazon wishlist. Since we had just bought it, I knew it was a good one.
    The j-ish shaped pointy thing is a cable needle, so that should come in handy for your class. The ones that look like safety pins (sorta) are stitch holders, so if you ever need to take stitches off the needles, but save them for working later (like on the center of a neckline), you store them on these handy things.
    You post so often that it was really easy for me to pick up on your taste, so you made my job a lot easier. I’m so happy that you like them!

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