
This is Ariana, my cousin Ryan’s little girl. She is going to be six in October and I met her today for the first time. She came over with my brother to swim. Her eyes and nose could be my cousins. I think she is one of the cutest little girls I’ve ever seen!  She was crazy in the pool, like jumping off our legs and out of our arms. Did I mention she can’t swim (but would like lessons please)? This was the highlight of my day for sure. The rest of it I just spent organizing and cleaning. That was good to though, because I like everything to be in it’s place so I know where to get it. I still have an art cabinet in the garage to figure out and my room needs a little work, but I’m getting settled. Bj is coming down to pick me up so we can go to Ikea tomorrow with his mom. Should be fun, let’s hope I don’t go crazy there, I just love Ikea.

*yes that is Ribbon Jar ribbon in her hair. I asked her if she would like some for her hair and she said, “something pretty with flowers please.” So cute.

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  1. FYI, I sent your package to your old address. It should have gotten to your old place Wednesday or Thursday. The post office says that they’ll forward it – if you don’t get it in the next day or so, please let me know, and I can help you track it down.
    Also, let me know if you want a sneak peek at it on my blog, and I’ll reveal myself early so you know what’s coming!

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