That is me looking horribly, horribly forlorn. That is me after having a stupid crying spell about pretty much nothing. See I entered this Hall of Fame scrapbooking contest. It took me forever to do and the requirements were ridiculously hard this year. And I like SLAVED on it for weeks. And when I was done I was all, “Oh, oh, my God. I am the best scrapbooker in the WHOLE world, and I am so creative and wonderful and I don’t even have to worry because I am so fantastic that of course I am going to win, and it’s too bad my hand just can’t stay on my back to pat it all day because I rock SO MUCH.” So then I waited like FOREVER to find out if I won (I mean 25 out of 1000 is pretty good odds, no?). So I belong to this website where people like me obsess about things like this. And so people started posting that they won and I didn’t get called. And, okay, some people still might get called tomorrow (and sorry for you reading this that aren’t my immediate family, but I won’t be able to tell you if I am one of them for like, a month), but that didn’t matter to me in my moment of hopelessness. My moment of bawling and saying to Bj, “And even if I do win, I mean they will give me an assignment and I won’t be able to finish it because I don’t have kids, and I don’t do anything cool, and I’m a looser, wah, wah, wah.” People tell me I’m creative (thanks mom!!), but there are lots of people who are creative. I’m starting to wonder if creative means: slightly odd and colorful and a bit off? Getting the dictionary…3.”Marked by originality and expressiveness; imaginative: One who displays productive originality.” So I am expressive, but sometimes people just call that drama. I don’t know. I feel much better since Bj told me how lovely I was and that I would of course win and all of that. But if you call me from an 801 area code tomorrow and are not Lisa (the head honcho of this magazine) I will probably have some kind of attack and get in the car and start driving…
My hero in my moment of insanity. See Bj, we could adopt a deaf child someday, you know the most important sign already!!!
OMG I’m right there with ya! Today was such a suck of a day. If I hit refresh one more time on the pub my finger will fall off!!!
AMBER, you are the most creative person i know! PRIZES ARE RELATIVE! For me you are the best scrapbooker in the whole entire world! But to make you feel better……..I had a shitty day today too, and tomorrow will be even worse. So if you have time to think and pray for me…do it…cuz i have a ridiculus hard accounting final!!! Thanks and i hope you feel better soon! You are awesome and you rock!
Yesterday must have been one of those days… can’t blame it on the weather… although I couldn’t enjoy it since I was stuck in the house all day working on this project for school. What really stinks is that I have another one when I’m finished with this one… Oh no… I’m making this all about me and it’s supposed to be about YOU! YOU are fabulous and you have no idea of what tomorrow will bring and I’m sure it will be wonderful, so just keep moving forward… Love ya… Your biggest fan… Mom