Rock Candy Here was my idea. To do a kind of post that was just a hey, um, hello, hi, is anyone out there? But then I thought to myself, “alp (that’s what I call myself in my head sometimes), isn’t that a little mundane. Couldn’t you think of something a little better? And I …
Monthly Archives: March 2005
That’s a Good Question
How cute is that? She (Miffy) is a gift of sorts from an overseas friend that connected to me from my blog. Oh how cool is that?! Kay is the third person that has written to me after reading my blog. So she’s been reading it for a while and had some questions. She’s from …
Sciarinno said, “Let me see your hair!” Okay! (silence) “It’s different…” ouch.
Odd things on the road
Bj and I drove back from the Tri-Cities today in the afternoon. Instead of pouring rain we got… extreme wind!!! Yeah!!! And when you are in a desert environment that means tumbleweed, cool. We were driving into the sun for a while. Bj was fine with that though, after he found these: They used to …
The world upside down
I hope everyone had a great Easter. Bj and I were up here in the Tri-Cities, Washington area with his parents. We pretty much just relaxed up here. I got my hair highlighted just a little in the morning, it makes me look a little perkier. Last night we rented The Incredibles and I finally …
At the races again, and shorty’s back
Isn’t Aj a cutie? Bj and I got up super early this morning to drive down to the WSU vs. OSU race in Dexter. Here are the results. Like Bj said, “An hour and a half of watching and we got to see 20 seconds of racing. But that’s not the point… the point is …
At the carwash
Just some cute pictures of Beeg at the carwash tonight. I posted some more cool ones in my photo album, so if you haven’t checked it out please do! I like my new digital camera. It only has auto focus, but it’s great for point and shoot and keeping in my handbag (the real reason …
Off the wagon
uh oh…. easter candy. I love easter candy. I stock pile it for the whole year. Everyone knows this. Jenna sent me a peeps card a month before easter just to get me ready for the holiday (it was so sparkly and cute it made my mouth water). There has been much research on peeps, …
The Girls
Ladies we have lift off. Men you will never understand. Today I got up early (I set the alarm clock!!!!) and drove to Salem to meet my mom. We rode to Portland together and met up with my grandma at Nordy’s in Portland. She didn’t hear us creeping up on her in the makeup section …
Thunder and lightning (very, very frightning :)
No, I don’t think it’s very frightning, I was just reminded of the Queen song. Well we had a quick and loud storm here today. Lightning, thunder, and lots of hail. It was so cool. I really love storms. They remind me of being at camp, in the Arts and Crafts building on the shores …
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